
Thursday, March 10, 2011

Feta, Potato, and Rosemary Grilled Pizza

Have you ever grilled a pizza?  You must try it!

The dough:
I've made dough from scratch before and I've also used the refrigerated dough, but really, that's all just too much for a weeknight dinner as far as I'm concerned.  The Walmart bakery has a premade thin pizza crust they call "napoli style" that is perfect for grilling.  It's thick enough that it doesn't burn and thin enough to get good and crunchy. 

The toppings:
I made a cheese pizza for the kids that was just spaghetti sauce and mozzarella.  For John and me, I copied a pizza I love at ZAZA in Little Rock: Feta, Potato, and Rosemary. The ingredients are olive oil (instead of sauce), caramelized onions (I made these earlier in the day because it takes 20 minutes or so), feta cheese, leftover potatoes, cherry tomatoes, fresh lemon juice, and rosemary (also leftover from Tuesday). 

After grill is hot, grill top side of pizza crust first until brown.  Turn down the grill to low, flip the crust, put on all the toppings, and close the lid.  Cook until everything is hot, checking to make sure the bottom doesn't burn.  If it is burning, you can move the pizza off the direct heat.